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- Adobe Photoshop CS4
- Adobe Photoshop CS3
- Adobe Photoshop CS2
- Adobe Photoshop CS
- Adobe Photoshop 7
- Adobe Photoshop 6
- Adobe Photoshop 5
- Adobe Bridge & Adobe Camera Raw
Photoshop Table
Operation Shortcut
Menu commands
Actual Pixels Ctrl + Alt + zero (0)
Auto Levels Ctrl + Shift + L
Bring Layer Forward Ctrl + ]
Bring Layer to Front Ctrl + Shift + ]
Clear Backspace or Delete
Close Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4
Color Balance Ctrl + B
Color Balance, with last settings Ctrl + Alt + B
Copy Ctrl + C or F3
Copy Merged Ctrl + Shift + C
Curves Ctrl + M
Curves, with last settings Ctrl + Alt + M
Cut Ctrl + X or F2
Desaturate Ctrl + Shift + U
Exit Ctrl + Q or Alt + F4
Fade Filter Ctrl + Shift + F
Feather Selection Ctrl + Alt + D or Shift + F6
Fill Shift + Backspace or Shift + F5
Fill from history Ctrl + Alt + Backspace
Filter, repeat last Ctrl + F
Filter, repeat with new settings Ctrl + Alt + F
Fit on Screen Ctrl + zero (0)
Free Transform Ctrl + T
Gamut Warning Ctrl + Shift + Y
Grid, show or hide Ctrl + quote (")
Group with Previous Layer Ctrl + G
Guides, show or hide Ctrl + semicolon (;)
Help Contents F1
Help, context-sensitive Shift + F1
Hide Edges Ctrl + H
Hide Path Ctrl + Shift + H
Hue/Saturation Ctrl + U
Hue/Saturation, with last settings Ctrl + Alt + U
Image Size F11
Inverse Selection Ctrl + Shift + I or Shift + F7
Invert Ctrl + I
Layer Via Copy Ctrl + J
Layer Via Cut Ctrl + Shift + J
Levels Ctrl + L
Levels, with last settings Ctrl + Alt + L
Lock Guides Ctrl + Alt + semicolon (;)
Merge Down Ctrl + E
Merge Visible Ctrl + Shift + E
New Ctrl + N
New, with default settings Ctrl + Alt + N
New Layer Ctrl + Shift + N
Open Ctrl + O
Open As Ctrl + Alt + O
Open last edited image Alt + F, press number (1 through 4)
Page Setup Ctrl + Shift + P
Paste Ctrl + V or F4
Paste Into Ctrl + Shift + V
Preferences Ctrl + K
Preferences, last panel Ctrl + Alt + K
Preview CMYK Ctrl + Y
Print Ctrl + P
Redo Ctrl + Z
Reselect Ctrl + Shift + D
Revert F12 or click first item in History palette
Rulers, show or hide Ctrl + R
Save Ctrl + S
Save As Ctrl + Shift + S
Save a Copy Ctrl + Alt + S
Select All Ctrl + A
Select None Ctrl + D
Send Layer Backward Ctrl + [
Send Layer to Back Ctrl + Shift + [
Step Backward Ctrl + Alt + Z
Step Forward Ctrl + Shift + Z
Snap to Grid Ctrl + Shift + quote (")
Snap to Guides Ctrl + Shift + semicolon (;)
Transform Again Ctrl + Shift + T
Undo Ctrl + Z
Ungroup Layers Ctrl + Shift + G
Zoom In Ctrl + plus (+)
Zoom Out Ctrl + minus (-)
Scroll image with hand tool Spacebar + drag or drag in Navigator palette
Scroll up or down one screen Page Up or Page Down
Scroll up or down slightly Shift + Page Up or Shift + Page Down
Scroll up or down exactly one frame in Filmstrip file Shift + Page Up or Shift + Page Down
Scroll left or right one screen Ctrl + Page Up or Ctrl + Page Down
Scroll left or right slightly Ctrl + Shift + Page Up or Ctrl + Shift + Page Down
Switch to upper-left corner press Home
Switch to lower-right corner press End
Magnify to custom zoom ratio Ctrl + spacebar + drag or Ctrl + drag in Navigator palette
Zoom in without changing window size Ctrl + spacebar + click or Ctrl + plus (+)
Zoom in and change window size to fit Ctrl + Alt + plus (+)
Zoom out without changing window size Alt + spacebar + click or Ctrl + minus (-)
Zoom out and change window size to fit Ctrl + Alt + minus (-)
Zoom to 100% Ctrl + Alt + zero (0) or double-click zoom tool icon
Fit image on screen Ctrl + zero (0) or double-click hand tool icon
Apply zoom value but keep magnification box active Shift + Enter
Cycle through full screen and normal window modes F
Toggle display of menu bar in full screen modes Shift + F
Painting and editing
Display Options palette Enter or double-click tool icon
Display crosshair cursor Caps Lock
Revert image with magic eraser Alt + drag with eraser
Select pencil, painbrush, or airbrush press N, B, or J
Cycle through eraser styles Alt + click eraser tool icon or Shift + E
Specify an area to clone Alt + click with rubber stamp
Cycle through rubber stamp options Alt + click rubber stamp tool icon or Shift + S
Cycle through focus tools Alt + click focus tool icon or Shift + R
Sharpen with the blur tool or blur with the sharpen tool Alt + drag
Dip into the foreground color when smearing Alt + drag with smudge tool
Cycle through toning tools Alt + click toning tool icon or Shift + O
Darken with the dodge tool or lighten with the burn tool Alt + drag
Paint or edit in a straight line click and then Shift + click
Change opacity, pressure, or exposure in 10% increments press number (1 through 0)
Change opacity, pressure, or exposure in 1% increments press two numbers in a row
Select brush mode right-click with paint or edit tool or Shift + Alt + letter
Cycle through brush modes Shift + plus (+) or Shift + minus (-)
Reset to Normal brush mode Shift + Alt + N
Display or hide Brushes palette F5
Cycle through brush shapes press bracket, [ or ]
Switch to first shape in Brushes palette Shift + [
Switch to last shape in Brushes palette Shift + ]
Delete shape from Brushes palette Ctrl + click brush shape
Create new brush shape click in empty area of Brushes palette
Edit brush shape double-click brush shape
Applying colors
Lift foreground color from image Alt + click with paint tool or click with eyedropper
Lift background color from image Alt + click with eyedropper
Sample color in image click with color sampler tool
Delete color sample Alt + click on target with color sampler tool
Display or hide Color palette F6
Lift foreground color from color bar at bottom of Color palette click color bar
Lift background color from color bar Alt + click color bar
Cycle through color bars Shift + click color bar
Specify new color bar right-click color bar or Ctrl + click for dialog box
Lift foreground color from Swatches palette click swatch
Lift background color from Swatches palette Alt + click swatch
Delete swatch from palette Ctrl + click swatch
Replace swatch with foreground color Shift + click swatch
Add new swatch to palette click in empty area of palette or Shift + Alt + click on swatch
Fill selection or layer with foreground color Alt + Backspace
Fill layer with foreground color but preserve transparency Shift + Alt + Backspace
Fill selection on background layer with background color Backspace or Delete
Fill selection on any layer with background color Ctrl + Backspace
Fill layer with background color but preserve transparency Shift + Ctrl + Backspace
Fill selection with source state in History palette Ctrl + Alt + Backspace
Display Fill dialog box Shift + Backspace or Shift + F5
Edit text layer double-click on T in Layers palette or right-click with
type tool
Select word in Text Tool dialog box double-click on word
Select word to left or right Ctrl + Shift + left or right arrow
Select all text Ctrl + A
Increase type size two pixels (or points) Ctrl + Shift + greater than (>)
Decrease type size two pixels Ctrl + Shift + less than (<)
Increase type size 10 pixels Ctrl + Shift + Alt + greater than (>)
Decrease type size 10 pixels Ctrl + Shift + Alt + less than (<)
Tighten leading two pixels Alt + up arrow
Expand leading two pixels Alt + down arrow
Tighten leading 10 pixels Ctrl + Alt + up arrow
Expand leading 10 pixels Ctrl + Alt + down arrow
Kern together 2/100 em Alt + left arrow
Kern apart 2/100 em Alt + right arrow
Kern together 1/10 em Ctrl + Alt + left arrow
Kern apart 1/10 em Ctrl + Alt + right arrow
Raise baseline shift two pixels Shift + Alt + up arrow
Lower baseline shift two pixels Shift + Alt + down arrow
Raise baseline shift 10 pixels Ctrl + Shift + Alt + up arrow
Lower baseline shift 10 pixels Ctrl + Shift + Alt + down arrow
Exit Type Tool dialog box Enter on keypad or Ctrl + Enter
Left-align text Ctrl + Shift + L
Center-align text Ctrl + Shift + C
Right-align text Ctrl + Shift + R
Magnify view in Text Tool dialog box Ctrl + plus (+)
Zoom out in Text Tool dialog box Ctrl + minus (-)
Select everything Ctrl + A
Deselect everything Ctrl + D
Restore selection after deselecting Ctrl + Shift + D
Hide or show marching ants Ctrl + H
Feather the selection Ctrl + Alt + D or Shift + F6
Reverse the selection Ctrl + Shift + I or Shift + F7
Cycle through all marquee tools (including crop tool) Alt + click marquee tool icon
Toggle between rectangular and elliptical marquees Shift + M
Draw out from center with marquee tool Alt + drag
Constrain marquee to square or circle press Shift while drawing shape
Move marquee as you draw it press spacebar
Cycle through lasso tools Alt + click lasso tool icon or Shift + L
Add corner to straight-sided selection outline Alt + click with lasso tool or click with polygonal lasso
Add point to magnetic selection click with magentic pen tool
Delete last point added with magnetic lasso tool Backspace
Increase or reduce magnetic lasso width press bracket, [ or ]
Close polygon or magnetic selection double-click with respective lasso tool or press Enter
Close magnetic selection with straight segment Alt + double-click or Alt + Enter
Cancel polygon or magnetic selection press Escape
Add to selection Shift + drag or Shift + click with selection tool
Subtract from selection Alt + drag or Alt + click with selection tool
Retain intersected portion of selection Shift + Alt + drag or Shift + Alt + click with selection tool
Add character outlines to a selection Shift + click with type mask tool
Cut letter-shaped holes into a selection Alt + click with type mask tool
Retain areas where character outlines and selection intersect Shift + Alt + click with type mask tool
Select move tool press V or press and hold Ctrl
Move selection drag with move tool or Ctrl + drag with other tool
Constrain movement vertically or horizontally press Shift while dragging selection
Move selection in 1-pixel increments Ctrl + arrow key
Move selection in 10-pixel increments Ctrl + Shift + arrow key
Clone selection Alt + drag selection with move tool or Ctrl + Alt + drag with
other tool
Clone selection in 1-pixel increments Ctrl + Alt + arrow key
Clone selection in 10-pixel increments Ctrl + Shift + Alt + arrow key
Clone selection to different image Ctrl + drag selection from one window and drop it into
Move selection outline independently of its contents drag with selection tool
Move selection outline in 1-pixel increments press arrow key when selection tool is active
Move selection outline in 10-pixel increments Shift + arrow key when selection tool is active
Copy empty selection outline to different image drag selection from one window into another with selection
Change opacity of floating selection Ctrl + Shift + F
Paste image into selection Ctrl + Shift + V
Paste image behind selection Ctrl + Shift + Alt + V
Display or hide Layers palette F7
View single layer by itself Alt + click eyeball icon in Layers palette
Create new layer and set blend options Alt + click page icon at bottom of Layers palette or Ctrl +
Shift + N
Create new layer and bypass blend options click page icon at bottom of Layers palette or Ctrl + Shift +
Alt + N
Clone selection to new layer Ctrl + J
Convert selection to new layer and leave hole behind Ctrl + Shift + J
Convert floating selection to new layer Ctrl + Shift + J
Diplicate layer to new layer drag layer name onto page icon or Ctrl + A, Ctrl + J
Ascend one layer Alt + ]
Descend one layer Alt + [
Ascend to top layer Shift + Alt + ]
Descend to background layer Shift + Alt + [
Go directly to layer that contains specific image Ctrl + Alt + right-click image with any tool
Preserve transparency of active layer press slash (/)
Convert layer’s transparency mask to selection outline Ctrl + click layer name in Layers palette
Add transparency mask to selection Ctrl + Shift + click layer name
Subtract transparency mask from selection Ctrl + Alt + click layer name
Retain intersection of transparency mask and selection Ctrl + Shift + Alt + click layer name
Move entire layer drag with move tool or Ctrl + drag with other tool
Move entire layer in 1-pixel increments Ctrl + arrow key
Move entire layer in 10-pixel increments Ctrl + Shift + arrow key
Bring layer forward one level Ctrl + ]
Bring layer to front of file Ctrl + Shift + ]
Send layer backward one level Ctrl + [
Send layer to back, just above the background layer Ctrl + Shift + [
Link layer with active layer click in front of layer name
Unlink layer from active layer click on chain icon in front of layer name
Unlink all layers from active layer Alt + click on brush icon in front of active layer name
Change opacity of active layer in 10% increments press number (1 through 0) when selection tool is active
Change opacity of active layer in 1% increments press two numbers in a row when selection tool is active
Edit blend options for layer double-click layer name in Layers palette
Select blend mode Shift + Alt + letter
Cycle through blend modes Shift + plus (+) or Shift + minus (-) when selection tool is
Reset to Normal blend mode Shift + Alt + N
Adjust "fuzziness" in Layer Options dialog box Alt + drag slider triangle
Merge layer with next layer down Ctrl + E
Merge linked layers Ctrl + E
Merge all visible layers Ctrl + Shift + E
Copy merged version of selection to Clipboard Ctrl + Shift + C
Clone contents of layer into next layer down Ctrl + Alt + E
Clone contents of linked layers to active layer Ctrl + Alt + E
Clone contents of all visible layers to activate layer Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E
Group neighboring layers Alt + click horizontal line in Layers palette or Ctrl + G
Ungroup neighboring layers Alt + click dotted line in Layers palette or Ctrl + Shift + G
Switch between layer effects in Effects dialog box Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 5
Switch between layer effects outside dialog box right-click on ƒ in Layers palette
Edit layer effect double-click on ƒ
Move shadow when Effect dialog box is open drag in image window
Disable last layer effect Alt + double-click on ƒ
Disable specific layer effect Alt + choose command from Layer >> Effects submenu
Create adjustment layer Ctrl + click page icon at bottom of Layers palette
Save flattened copy of layered image Ctrl + Alt + S
Channels and masks
Switch between independent color and mask channels Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 9
Switch to composite color view Ctrl + tilde (~)
Activate or deactivate color channel Shift + click channel name in Channels palette
Create channel mask filled with black click page icon at bottom of Channels palette
Create channel mask filled with black and set options Alt + click page icon at bottom of Channels palette
Create channel mask from selection outline click mask icon at bottom of Channels palette
Create channel mask from selection outline and set options Alt + click mask icon at bottom of Channels palette
View channel mask as Rubylith overlay click top eyeball in Channels palette or press tilde(~)
Convert channel mask to selection outline Ctrl + click channel name in Channels palette or Ctrl + Alt +
number (1 through 0)
Add channel mask to selection Ctrl + Shift + click channel name
Subtract channel mask from selection Ctrl + Alt + click channel name
Retain intersection of channel mask and selection Ctrl + Shift + Alt + click channel name
Enter or exit quick mask mode press Q
Toggle quick mask color over masked or selected area Alt + click quick mask icon in toolbox
Change quick mask color overlay double-click quick mask icon
View quick mask independently of image click top eyeball in Channels palette or press tilde(~)
Create layer mask filled with white click mask icon at bottom of Layers palette
Create layer mask filled with black Alt + click mask icon
Create layer mask from selection outline click mask icon
Create layer mask that hides selection Alt + click mask icon
Switch focus from layer mask to image Ctrl + tilde (~)
Switch focus from image to layer mask Ctrl + backslash ()
View layer mask independently of image Alt + click layer mask thumbnail in Layers palette or press
backslash () then tilde (~)
View layer mask as Rubylith overlay Shift + Alt + click layer mask thumbnail or press backslash ()
Disable layer mask Shift + click layer mask thumbnail
Toggle link between layer and layer mask click between layer and mask thumbnails in Layers palette
Convert layer mask to selection outline Ctrl + click layer mask thumbnail or Ctrl + Alt + backslash ()
Add layer mask to selection Ctrl + Shift + click layer mask thumbnail
Subtract layer mask from selection Ctrl + Alt + click layer mask thumbnail
Retain intersection of layer mask and selection Ctrl + Shift + Alt + click layer mask thumbnail
Add spot color channel Ctrl + click page icon at bottom of Channels palette
Select pen tool press P
Cycle between standard, freeform, and magnetic pen tools Shift + P
Select insert point tool press plus (+)
Select remove point tool press minus (-)
Add corner to path click with pen tool or Alt + click with freeform pen tool
Add smooth arc to path drag with pen tool
Add cusp to path drag with pen tool, then Alt + drag same point
Add point to magnetic selection click with magentic pen tool
Delete last point added with standard or magentic pen tool Backspace
Draw freehand path segment drag with freeform pen tool or Alt + drag with magnetic
pen tool
Increase or reduce magnetic pen width press bracket, [ or ]
Close magnetic selection double-click with magnetic pen tool or click on first point
in path
Close magnetic selection with straight segment Alt + double-click or Alt + Enter
Cancel magnetic or freeform selection press Escape
Select arrow (direct selection) tool press A or press and hold Ctrl when pen tool is active
Select insert or remove point tool press plus (+) or minus (-)
Move selected points drag point with arrow tool or Ctrl + drag with pen tool
Select multiple points in path Shift + click point with arrow or Ctrl + Shift + click with pen
Select entire path Alt + click path with arrow or Ctrl + Alt + click with pen
Clone path Alt + drag path with arrow or Ctrl + Alt + drag with pen
Convert corner or cusp to smooth arc Ctrl + Alt + drag point with arrow or Alt + drag with pen
Convert arc to corner Ctrl + Alt + click point with arrow or Alt + click with pen
Convert arc to cusp Ctrl + Alt + drag handle with arrow or Alt + drag with pen
Insert point in path click segment with pen tool or Alt + click with remove
point tool
Remove point from path click point with pen tool or Alt + click with insert point
Convert path to selection outline Ctrl + click path name in Paths palette or press Enter on
keypad when selection or path tool is active
Add path to selection Ctrl + Shift + click path name or Shift + Enter on keypad
Subtract path from selection Ctrl + Alt + click path name or Alt + Enter on keypad
Retain intersection of path and selection Ctrl + Shift + Alt + click path name or Shift + Alt + Enter on
Apply brushstroke around perimeter of path press Enter on keypad when paint or edit tool is active
Revert around perimeter of path press Alt + Enter on keypad when eraser tool is active or
Enter when history brush is active
Save path for future use double-click Work Path item in Paths palette
Hide path (it remains active) Ctrl + Shift + H
Deactivate path click in empty portion of Paths palette
Crops and transformations
Select crop tool press C
Move cropping boundary drag inside boundary
Resize cropping boundary drag boundary handle
Rotate cropping boundary drag outside boundary
Accept crop double-click inside boundary or press Enter
Cancel crop press Escape
Freely transform selection or layer Ctrl + T
Duplicate selection and freely transform Ctrl + Alt + T
Move image in Free Transform mode drag inside boundary
Move transformation origin drag crosshair target
Resize image drag boundary handle
Resize with respect to origin Alt + drag boundary handle
Rotate image (always with respect to origin) drag outside boundary
Skew image Ctrl + drag side handle
Skew image along constrained axis Ctrl + Shift + drag side handle
Skew image with respect to origin Ctrl + Alt + drag side handle
Skew image along constrained axis with respect to origin Ctrl + Shift + Alt + drag side handle
Distort image Ctrl + drag corner handle
Symmetrically distort opposite corners Ctrl + Alt + drag corner handle
Constrained distort for perspective effect Ctrl + Shift + drag corner handle
Constrained distort for symmetrical perspective effect Ctrl + Shift + Alt + drag corner handle
Apply specific transformation in Free Transform mode right-click in image window
Accept transformation double-click inside boundary or press Enter
Cancel transformation press Escape
Replay last transformation Ctrl + Shift + T
Duplicate selection and replay last transformation Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T
Rulers, measurements, and guides
Display or hide rulers Ctrl + R
Display or hide Info palette F8
Change unit of measure drag from X,Y pop-up in Info palette or double-click ruler
Select measure tool press U
Measure distance and angle drag with measure tool
Move measure line drag measure line
Change length and angle of measure line drag point at either end of measure
Measure angle between two lines (protractor option) Alt + drag endpoint
Display or hide guides Ctrl + semicolon (;)
Create guide drag from ruler
Move guide drag guide with move tool or Ctrl + drag with other tool
Toggle horizontal guide to vertical or vice versa press Alt while dragging guide
Snap guide to ruler tick marks press Shift while dragging guide
Toggle guide magnetism Ctrl + Shift + semicolon (;)
Lock or unlock guides Ctrl + Alt + semicolon (;)
Display or hide grid Ctrl + quote (")
Toggle grid magnetism Ctrl + Shift + quote (")
Edit guide color and grid increments Ctrl + double-click guide
Repeat filter with last-used settings Ctrl + F
Repeat filter with different settings Ctrl + Alt + F
Scroll preview box in corrective filter dialog boxes drag in preview box or click in image window
Zoom preview box in corrective filter dialog boxes Ctrl + click and Alt + click
Increase selected Option - box value by 1 (or 0.1) up arrow
Decrease value by 1 (or 0.1) down arrow
Increase value by 10 (or 1) Shift + up arrow
Decrease value by 10 (or 1) Shift + down arrow
Adjust Angle value (where offered) in 15° increments Shift + drag in Angle wheel
Reset options inside corrective filter dialog boxes Alt + click Cancel button
Clone light in Lighting Effects dialog box Alt + drag light
Delete Lighting Effects light press Delete
Adjust size of footprint without affecting angle of light Shift + drag handle
Adjust angle of light without affecting size of footprint Ctrl + drag handle
Switch between arrow tools in 3D Transform dialog box press V or A, or Ctrl + Tab
Select 3D cube, sphere, or cylinder tool press M, N, or C
Edit shape with pan camera or trackball press E or R
Delete selected 3D Transform shape Backspace
Advanced color corrections
Add point in Curves dialog box click on graph line
Add specific color as new point on composite curve Ctrl + click in image window
Add color as new point on independent channel curves Ctrl + Shift + click in
image window
Nudge selected curve point press arrow key
Select next curve point Ctrl + tab
Select previous curve point Ctrl + Shift + tab
Delete curve point Ctrl + click point
Select multiple curve points Shift + click point
Deselect all points Ctrl + D
Move Hue/Saturation range to new location click in image window
Add colors to Hue/Saturation range Shift + click or drag in image window
Subtract colors from Hue/Saturation range Alt + click or drag in image window
Edit all colors in Hue/Saturation dialog box Ctrl + tilde (~)
Edit predefined color range Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 6
Undoing operations
Undo or redo last operation Ctrl + Z
Undo operation prior to last one Ctrl + Alt + Z
Redo undone operation Ctrl + Shift + Z
Undo to specific point click on item in History palette
Duplicate previously performed operation Alt + click on item in History palette
Select state to revert to with history brush click in front of item in History palette
Create snapshot from active state click page icon at bottom of History palette
Create duplicate image from active state click ... box icon at bottom of History palette
Revert to saved image F12 or click first item in History palette
Display or hide all palettes, and toolbox, and status bar Tab
Display or hide palettes except toolbox Shift + Tab
Hide toolbox and status bar Tab, Shift + Tab
Move a panel out of a palette drag panel tab
Snap palette to edge of screen Shift + click palette title bar
Fully collapse palette Alt + click collapse box or double-click panel tab
Display or hide Actions palette F9
Play script Ctrl + double-click on item in Actions palette
Permanently delete item from palette that includes trash can Alt + click trash can
Preview how image sits on printed page click preview box
View size and resolution of image Alt + click preview box
Change the preference settings Ctrl + K
Display last used Preferences dialog box panel Ctrl + Alt + K
Bring up dialog box with last-used settings Alt + choose command from Image >> Adjust submenu
Duplicate image and bypass dialog box Alt + choose Image >> Duplicate
Cancel the current operation Escape
Activate No button when closing image press N
Activate Don’t Save or Don’t Flatten button press D
Painting and editing
Channels and masks
Crops and transformations
Rulers, measurements, and guides
image window
Undoing operations